
Arcana Character

Are You?

1. How do you feel
about your friends?

2. When you run into a problem,
what do you do?

3. What is your clothing style?

4. Out of the following,
what would you do
in your free time?

5. What do you usually do
after you stub your toe?

6. Which of these animals
do you like best?

Asra Banner Asra Memory

Asra Alnazar

The wandering magician with a wealth of secrets.

You like to travel and get to know the world, unshackled by what's familiar and free to experience the unfamiliar. You like to try new things, experience the unusual, and, most of all, have fun! Heads turn at your eccentric habits or interests, but you don't mind because they're the ones missing out on all the fun! You cherish your friends and family and support them in everything– even if you don't full heartily agree with it.

Nadia Banner Nadia Memory

Nadia Satrinava

The widowed countess whose word is law.

Many know you for your work or for the image that you keep but fewer know you for who you are as a person. You like intricate puzzles, mysteries, and activities that make you think. You are on a constant journey for knowledge and take every opportunity to increase your understanding of the world. You prefer to be organized and keep to a carefully made schedule so you can get everything done when it needs to be.

Julian Banner Julian Memory

Julian Devorak

The fugitive doctor who hungers for revenge.

You are commonly seen helping others around your community and trading stories with interesting people. You like to be the one that can help others and be confided in whenever there's a problem. Even if you’re not exactly the best person to be giving advice. When faced with a challenge, you do all you can to conquer it and are usually humble with the compliments that come with it.

Muriel Banner Muriel Memory

Muriel of the Kokhuri

The fearsome outsider who owes an onerous debt.

You are a huge introvert and only have a few people that you call friends. You may think of yourself as a burden to these friends, but in reality, you’re a teddy bear they love and want to protect. You are not very attuned to popular trends and like to live in what you know to be familiar and comfortable. When drained from social events, spending time in nature or with the people / things that make you happy helps you recharge and get back on your feet.

Portia Banner Portia Memory

Portia Devorak

The trusted handmaiden with a penchant for snooping.

You are an extraverted, bubbly, and cheerful person who's always ready for an adventure! You like to learn about the world and its mysteries, being an observative and curious person who lives on instinct. What is life without constantly being at the edge of your seat? People know you as adorable, hardworking, and supportive. In turn, you make an effort to get to know everyone you meet.

Lucio Banner Lucio Memory

Lucio Morgason

The proactive Count whose presence still lingers over the city.

Extravagant! Loud! Amazing! Presenting the one and only: YOU! You are one who has so much energy, others wonder where it all came from. You like to keep up with the times and flaunt all the cool, trendy things you have, constantly trying to make yourself seem capable and awesome. Your ego may be the size of a castle but you certainly make sure that you are seen as the best person in the room.

Game Banner Game Cover

The Apprentice

The magician's apprentice whose history lies forgotten but has a new story to discover.

You are rather unique from the Arcana cast since you seem to have a little bit of everyone in you! Perhaps you are introverted like Muriel but you know everyone and everyone knows you like Portia. Or perhaps you are extraverted and dramatic like Julian but in a sly way like Asra. The point being, you are uniquely you and this personality test can't define who you are. But that's the reason why you took this test, isn't it? In that case, you should probably retake it.

Game Banner Game Cover

The Apprentice?

In other words, you have a tie!

Please review the score bar below and click the button to reveal the character result! You may also review the other character results if you so wish.

Unsure with your result?

There is a more in depth quiz with 69 extra questions to provide a more reliable result since these questions come from the Ask Arcana page on Tumblr. Excessive– I know. But his quiz is just self-indulgent coding at this point and I'm invested to make this the best it can be.

There are additional 6 sections
of which you can stop at any time to calculate your result:

General Questions: 15
Situational Questions: 10
Rate Yourself: 12
Create a Meal: 6
Playlist Picker: 5
Other Fandoms: 21

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